Hey There,

I’m Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi, doing my masters in CSE by Research at IIIT, Hyderabad.

This blog is an exercise for me to constantly keep writing about things I think and things I learn, because I want to keep getting better at articulation and I just love to spread ideas that i have, learning something new everyday is something I strive for.

I spend a lot of time researching in the deep learning and natural language processing, with the specific focus of my research being summarization. I’m very interested in the influences, i.e application, of deep learning in health, law, the creative arts and products. I usually spend time learning about investing, venture capital, philosophy, microeconomics, cryptocurrencies and mathematics. To be honest, I’m interested in everything, I’ve done courses like Justice from Harvardx to Introduction to Psychology from MIT OCW, it’s just that i currently spend my time actively pursuing the above.

I ultimately aim to be an ideating problem-solver and a builder. I’m pretty bad at the latter and am learning to be better.

There’s a lot of “I”s in this introduction, I’d like to know more about you too and possibly maybe collaborate on projects or research.

ping me @ paws_ed or my email.

What am I Currently doing?

  • Researching at the Language Technologies research centre, IIIT Hyderabad. Mostly in NLP(RL in NLP and Abstractive Summarization). Some of my papers can be seen here
  • Bugging people i know and learning about the interesting stuff they are pursuing.
  • Trying to build things(very unsuccessfully though) and blogging on here.
  • Trying to learn category theory, you can take a look at my notes here.
  • I also write about the variety of books I read and you can find a list on my goodreads. Although this might not be upto date, I do my best to keep it that way. I’ve decided to try and read a 100 books in 2022.